United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (UNCITRAL RCAP)

The UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific is part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The main objectives of the Regional Centre are (a) to provide capacity building and technical assistance services to States in the Asia-Pacific region, including to international and regional organizations, and development banks; (b) to support public, private and civil society initiatives to enhance international trade and development by promoting certainty in international commercial transactions through the dissemination of international trade norms and standards, in particular those elaborated by UNCITRAL; (c) to build and participate in regionally-based international trade law partnerships and alliances, including with other appropriate United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies; (d) strengthen information, knowledge and statistics through briefings, workshops, seminars, publications, social media, and information and communication technologies, including in regional languages; and (e) to function as a channel of communication between States and UNCITRAL for non-legislative activities of the Commission.
Tel: +82-32-458-6540
Fax: +82-32-458-6549
E-mail: uncitral.rcap@un.org
Website: https://uncitral.un.org/en/TA/regionalcentre_asia_pacific
Address: 3F, G-Tower, 175 Art center-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon