United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (UNESCO APCEIU)

Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) is a UNESCO Category 2 Centre established in 2000 by the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO to promote and develop Education for International Understanding (EIU), currently regarded as Global Citizenship Education (GCED). APCEIU plays a pivotal role in promoting GCED reflected in both the UNESCO Education 2030 and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). APCEIU seeks to promote EIU and GCED through the following main lines of action: strengthen national, regional and global capacity to implement EIU/GCED; promote international exchange and cooperation of EIU/GCED in the Asia-Pacific and other regions; research and develop EIU/GCED curriculums; organize EIU/GCED training workshops and seminars; as well as producing and disseminating EIU/GCED learning and teaching materials.
SangSaeng is an English magazine published two or three times a year and it is a platform for constructive discussion on EIU/GCED issues, methods and experiences in the field of education for global citizenship, international understanding, peace, human rights, cultural diversity and sustainable development. SangSaeng (상생/相生) is originated from a word with two Chinese characters: Sang(相) and Saeng(生). Sang(相) means ‘mutual’ (each other) and Saeng(生), means ‘life’. Put together, they mean “living together” and “helping each other”.
Since 2006, APCEIU has solicited practical cases of EIU/GCED and has awarded three to five cases of good practices every year in cooperation with the UNESCO Member States in the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to encourage educators, scholars and activists to implement EIU/GCED programmes by collecting and sharing success stories in promoting EIU/GCED in different social and cultural contexts. The selected cases are published into monographs and widely shared throughout the whole region, thus contributing towards achieving a Culture of Peace.
Tel: +82-2-774-3956
Fax: +82-2-774-3957
E-mail: info@unescoapceiu.org
Website: http://www.unescoapceiu.org
Address: 120, Saemal-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul