United Nations Industrial Development Organization Investment and Technology Promotion Office (UNIDO ITPO) Korea

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mission of the UNIDO is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States.
Since its establishment in 1987, UNIDO ITPO Korea has continued to disseminate Korea’s experience of industrial development by promoting investment and technology transfer from Korea to developing countries and economies in transition.
UNIDO ITPO Korea implements diverse projects and programmes more effectively and efficiently in developing countries to strengthen their trade capacity and support green industrialization. Our services are aimed at advising on industrial development policy, promoting job creation and green technology by applying the need-oriented strategy for industrial development.
UNIDO ITPO Korea also encourages Korean investors, in particular small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), to expand their businesses in developing countries by disseminating the latest information on opportunities of joint investment, conducting business feasibility studies, and inviting officials of investment promotion agencies (IPAs) in developing countries.
Tel: +82-2-702-2030, 2034
E-mail: itpo.seoul@unido.org
Website: http://www.unido-itpo.kr
Address: 16th fl. FRONT1, 122, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea (04213)