22 October, 2015 was the day that made my day. It was the first time that I met Ban-Ki Moon!! I was so thrilled to shake his hand ???? Seeing Ban-Ki Moon made my nervousness go away, since that day was the day of my English Speaking Contest. Before the contest, I looked around the booth and ask some questions about how to get involved in the UN and how to help children who are in dangerous places. After hearing the answers and searching for more information, I realized that UN is there for people in need and the seeing UN worker’s eyes was really passionate and thoughtful that I knew they mean it. At that moment I was able to decide my dream as a WHO worker and I think this thought made me confident to speak in front of people about my thoughts about Syrian refugees and how UN should help them. I am really thankful that I had this experience and grateful to win the Ban-Ki Moon award. Lastly, I will never ever ever forget this wonderful memory.

Participant Photo #2